Friday, January 9, 2009

My Weightloss Journey

I have had a weight problem since my teenage years, around 14 from what I can recall. I have tried everything possible to lose weight and keep it off. You name it, I've done it, and even to the point of some very crazy ideas.

The only thing that has ever really worked is Weight Watchers. It is also easier to maintain. I achieved Lifetime Member in around 1995. I even became a leader for a short time before moving towns and then falling pregnant. I think the move to Brisbane and being pregnant at the time, made it difficult.

Everything was going along alright, my weight would go up a bit, so I would get it under control and get it back down again. It wasn't until September 2004, when I broke my right ankle and left foot and was 'laid' up for around 6 weeks, that things became out of control. It wasn't the being 'laid' up that was the problem because I couldn't get to the food, and was only eating what was being brought to me, I actually lost a bit. It was when I got the plaster off but still wasn't moving very well, that's when the easy cook meals and takeaway came in. The weight seemed to pile on over the last few years, and now in 2009 it needs to stop.

This time in 2009, I will lose weight and keep it off by returning to good old Weight Watchers. I have around 30 kilos to lose. I have joined online weight watchers, and am returning to my first meeting tomorrow 10/1/09.

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